
Jordan Binkerd | Owner

Championship Wins: 0
Championship Appearances: 2 (2014, 2015)
Final Four Appearances: 2 (2014, 2015)
Division Championships: 1 (2014)
Season W/L Records:
2011 | 4-9 Gallifrey Timelords
2012 | 5-8 S.H.I.E.L.D Avengers
2013 | 7-6 Rebel Alliance
2014 | 10-3 
Independent Browncoats (Chandler Bowl Loss)
2015 | 5-8 Intergalactic Psychlos (Chandler Bowl Loss)
2016 | 9-4 Hyrule Heroes 
2017 | 6-7 Mos Espa Podracers
2018 | 5-8 Independent Browncoats  
Owner Highlights:
After a rough start, Jordan went to back to back Chandler Harnish Bowls in 2014 and 2015, and followed up that run of success with a 9-4 2016 season. He's posted winning seasons 3 of the past 4 years. He is, however, still searching for his first FantasyMania Championship.